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Validation of Iber by simple channel flow

lex de Rijk
22/05/2020 10:41:00
Validation of Iber by simple channel flow

For validation purposes I've used a fairly simple straight concrete channel concrete structure (rectangular cross-section) for validation purposes. The channel is downward inclined under 0.14%, width 4m, length 1km and a manning coefficient of concrete (0.015) is used on surface and longitudinal lines. Boundary conditions inlet: Q = 27.2m3/s; outlet: Super-critical outflow. The mesh used is structured, cell size 0.25m.  The issue I am having is that results of Iber are not similar to theoretical values in water elevation that is settling in. It should level at 2.53m according to for example [], while Iber is computing 1.82m at main channel section. What could've gone wrong here?

 Validation of Iber by simple channel flow   lex de Rijk 22/05/2020 10:41
         RE: Validation of Iber by simple channel flow   lex de Rijk 11/06/2020 11:02