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ERROR: time increment<0.0000001 (Courant)

cristobal mosqueira
09/09/2020 15:44:00
RE: ERROR: time increment<0.0000001 (Courant)
This error generally occurs when you have vertical elements in the geometry. Sometimes, in the digital model of terrain, there are very abrupt changes in heights, which in the end, when these heights are transferred to the mesh, generates these vertical elements. Verify that the digital terrain model does not have these jumps.

 ERROR: time increment<0.0000001 (Courant)   angie alvarez murillo 09/07/2020 17:28
     RE: ERROR: time increment<0.0000001 (Courant)   cristobal mosqueira 09/09/2020 15:44
             RE: ERROR: time increment<0.0000001 (Courant)   29/10/2022 12:09