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ERROR: time increment<0.0000001 (Courant)

Marcos Sanz Ramos
09/06/2021 07:17:00
ERROR: time increment<0.0000001 (Courant)
Hi Rose,

This error is quite difficult to solve when modelling sediment transport because the mesh is updated each time step considering the bed load on each element. If the parameters are not properly implemented, for example, an element could be eroded enourmously and, at this point, abnormal results on the bed elevation could provide numerical instabilities.

Please, check if you have implemented the bed load parameters within the usable range and if some abnormal erosions are produced (the message also indicate the coordinates where the Courant condicion is not fulfilled).



 ERROR: time increment<0.0000001 (Courant)   Rodier Rose 08/06/2021 10:23
     ERROR: time increment<0.0000001 (Courant)   Marcos Sanz Ramos 09/06/2021 07:17