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Sediment transport - Error in bed load data

08/06/2022 10:26:00
Sediment transport - Error in bed load data
Hi all,

I set a model of a filtering weir from a .dxf file designed in CAD. Despite performing a hydrodynamic simulation without sediment transport offers good results, when I activate the sediment transport module and try to start a calculation, the log report ever shows this message "Error in bed load data".
I think I have correctly followed the application guide steps, like setting rock layer position, bedload boundary condition (uniform - inlet condition) and sediment transport data in Problem data. For the simulation I used IBER 3.1 both in classic version and with GPU parallelization (R-Iber).

here some screenshots:

Thank you very much for the attention. I would be very grateful for any help.


 Sediment transport - Error in bed load data   08/06/2022 10:26