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DEM and Orthophoto size

31/05/2024 13:53:00
DEM and Orthophoto size
Hi Hadji,

I ignore what could be the reason for this. Sometimes I have also had to import very heavy DTMs and, although it is true that the program has never closed, it has taken a long time to import it. I recommend you to divide the raster in several DTMs and load the different parts little by little.

Regarding the orthophoto, ideally you should lower the resolution of your orthophoto or crop the orthophoto to a specific area of the model.

Gonzalo García-Alén

 DEM and Orthophoto size   Hadji Sofiane 31/05/2024 10:53
     DEM and Orthophoto size   31/05/2024 13:53
             DEM and Orthophoto size   Hadji Sofiane 31/05/2024 15:28